




Dear [客户名称],

I am writing with regard to our delivery that was scheduled for [原计划交货日期]. Unfortunately, due to [原因], we are experiencing a delay and will not be able to deliver by the originally agreed date.

After reviewing our production process, we have determined the new estimated delivery date will be [新的交货计划]. We sincerely apologize for any disruption this delay may cause. To help make up for this inconvenience, we would like to offer a [优惠措施].

Please let me know if you have any other questions. We appreciate your understanding and continued support. Thank you for your business.

Best regards,

[your name]




1. 谅解并接受延期。这种情况最理想,表示客户对原因给予理解。

2. 要求缩短延期时间。这时需要据实以告,解释为什么无法缩短时间,同时保持沟通和配合。

3. 想找其他供应商。这时需要及时提供补偿措施,如降价或增值服务来挽留客户。

4. 表示失望。这时要表达歉意,并重申将尽最大努力交货。



1. 定期报告生产进度,若有进展提前告知客户。

2. 交货当日及时运输货物,尽快送达客户手中。

3. 接受客户跟踪,解答客户随时可能有的疑问。

4. 建议客户延长付款期限。

5. 提供更优惠的后续服务,以弥补这次延期给客户带来的不便。


How to prepare for informing clients about delivery delay?

You need to confirm the real reasons for not being able to deliver on time such as material shortage or production line failure, and prepare evidence. You also need to provide a new delivery plan and schedule. Consider potential impacts on clients and prepare compensation measures like discounts.

What template can I use to inform clients about the delay in English?

You can use the template provided in the article. It explains the original delivery date, reason for delay, new estimated delivery date, and compensation offer. Make sure to apologize and assure continued support.

How should I respond if clients ask for a shorter delay?

Explain factually why you cannot shorten the time but remain communicative and cooperative. Emphasize understanding the situation and working together towards a solution.

What if clients express disappointment over the delay?

Apologize sincerely and reassure your maximum effort to deliver. Maintain an empathetic tone and focus on resolving any issues to the client's satisfaction.

How can I provide after-sales service after informing about the delay?

Give regular updates, answer queries promptly, extend payment terms, and offer better future services to mitigate inconvenience from the delay.

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