




1. 选择目标市场和客户群。根据自己企业的优势和市场潜力,选择一个或几个重点市场和客户群。

2. 调研客户需求。通过网络调研、现场访问等方式,了解目标客户的行业特征、商业模式、产品需求等情况。

3. 确定产品优势。根据目标客户的需求特点,找出自己企业能提供的最具竞争力的产品或服务。

4. 确定客户开发方法。选择合适的客户开发方式,如参加展会、派定点销售人员等。

5. 高效沟通与跟进。通过网站、邮件、电话等多种方式与客户保持沟通,及时了解需求变化并做出反馈。



1. 产品介绍英文版。用简明的英文词汇描述产品功能、优势和特点。

2. 电子邮件营销。通过邮件邀请客户参观展会或访问现场,了解产品细节。

3. 网站内容国际化。把关键内容如“关于我们”、“产品”等翻译成英文,方便海外客户了解。

4. 展会宣传册。用图文并茂的英文版宣传册介绍企业与产品。

5. 英语简历。参加展会需要用英文简历表达个人资质。

6. 电话沟通英语。日常客户服务和咨询需要运用工作英语进行沟通。




1. What are the main steps for foreign trade customer development in English?

The main steps for foreign trade customer development in English include: selecting target markets and customer groups, researching customer needs, determining product advantages, determining customer development methods, and effective communication and follow-up through various channels like websites, emails, phones, etc.

2. How to introduce products in English for foreign trade customer development?

You can introduce products in a simple English description focusing on functions, advantages, features and details to attract customers. Prepared English materials like product brochures are also important.

3. What channels can be used for English communication with overseas customers?

Key communication channels in English include emails, websites, brochures/materials at exhibitions, phone calls, etc. The content on website like "About Us" and "Products" pages should be translated into English for overseas customers.

4. How to use English resume when participating in overseas exhibitions?

An English resume highlighting qualifications and experiences should be prepared to clearly introduce yourself and your company to potential overseas customers face to face at exhibitions.

5. Besides communication, what else is important for foreign trade customer development?

It's important to understand customer needs through market research, identify product advantages that cater to different customer groups, and choose proper customer development methods such as exhibitions, roadshows, agents, etc., to establish long-term cooperation.

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